TOP 10 Horror Movies Hollywood

Arvind Kumar
3 min readAug 4, 2022

TOP 10 Horror Movies Hollywood For some, watching a horror movie is like a roller coaster ride, a scream fest, and an adrenaline rush all wrapped in one. For others, it’s a total waste of time and money. But whether you consider yourself a horror movie fan or not, Hollywood churns out a new horror movie every other week. Some are classics. Some don’t even deserve to be called a movie. So here is a list of the top ten horror movies Hollywood has to offer.
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Top 10 Horror Movies Of All Time

TOP 10 Horror Movies Hollywood, Explanation

  • The Shining (1980)
  • The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974)
  • The Thing (1982)
  • Hereditary (2018)
  • The Exorcist (1973)
  • Halloween (1978)
  • Jaws (1975)
  • Alien (1979)
  • Scream (1996)
  • 28 Days Later (2002)

1. The Shining (1980)

Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining is widely considered to be one of the greatest horror movies of all time, and it’s hard to disagree. The film stars Jack Nicholson as Jack Torrance, a struggling writer who takes a job as an off-season caretaker at a creepy hotel. While there, he meets the friendly bartender, Lloyd (played by Scatman Crothers), and his wife, Wendy (played by Shelley Duvall), who is a writer, like Jack. But things start to go wrong from the moment Jack arrives at the hotel. He’s uncomfortable with the job, he’s hearing voices, and he’s not even sure if he’s able to do the work. The movie follows Jack as he slowly descends into madness.

Why it’s scary

The Shining is the best horror movie of all time. The movie creates a feeling of tension and paranoia, which is one of the scariest things you can feel. The movie is also famous for using a combination of music, sound, and pictures to create a dream-like quality that heightens the sense of fear. The movie is also very scary because it leaves you feeling like something is going to happen, but you don’t know when or in what way. It’s also scary to think that this is a true story and the boy really did disappear! The more you think about it, the scarier it gets. The Shining is a fantastic film and a must-see.

Year: 1980
Creator: Stanley Kubrick
Stars: Jack Nicholson, Shelley Duvall, Danny Lloyd
Genre: Drama, Horror
IMDb Rating: 8.4

2. The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974)

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre is a 1974 American horror film directed and produced by Tobe Hooper. It stars Marilyn Burns, Paul A. Partain, Edwin Neal, Jim Siedow, and Gunnar Hansen, who respectively portray Sally Hardesty, Franklin Hardesty, the hitchhiker, the proprietor, and Leatherface. The plot centers on a group of friends who fall victim to a family of cannibals while on their way to visit an old homestead. Although it was marketed as a true story to attract a wider audience and as a way to capitalize on the success of true-life horror films such as The Exorcist, The Texas Chain Saw Massacre is fictional. Hooper produced the film for around $140,000, which was considered a very low budget at the time.

Why it’s scary:

The film is about a cannibalistic family. The film is disturbing and one of the scariest movies of all time. It is about a group of friends who visit a place called The Texas Chain Saw Massacre House. The owner of the house was an old man and his family. The old man is dead and the house is empty, leaving the family’s old and broken truck. The house is surrounded by a long fence. The friends meet Leatherface and three other family members, who kill and devour the friends.

Year: 1974
Creator: Tobe Hooper
Stars: Marilyn Burns, Edwin Neal, Allen Danziger
Genre: Horror
IMDb Rating: 7.4

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Originally published at on August 4, 2022.



Arvind Kumar

Experienced Freelance Blogger with a demonstrated history of working in the writing and editing industry. Skilled in Web Content Writing, WordPress